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Frequently Asked Question

We are here to answer your questions! We offer a guide where you can find the most common questions and detailed answers about dental health.

What is a dental implant and who is it suitable for?

Dental implants are titanium screws that are placed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. Dental implants replace the roots of natural teeth, creating a stable and durable foundation. This procedure is ideal for people who have lost one or more teeth. It is suitable for all adults who are in good general health, have no gum disease, and have adequate bone density. The dentist will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if the individual is a candidate and may strengthen the jawbone with additional procedures such as bone grafting if necessary.

What is the recovery process like after tooth extraction?

The healing process after tooth extraction usually takes a few days to a week. Bleeding and slight swelling are normal in the first 24 hours. Pain and swelling can usually be controlled with painkillers and cold compresses. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection in the mouth. During the healing process, hard and hot foods should be avoided and soft and cold foods should be preferred. It is important to follow the care instructions given by your dentist carefully. These instructions usually include taking care of your oral hygiene, not smoking, and limiting physical activity.

What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums, swelling, redness, receding gums, loose teeth, and bad breath. In the early stages, mild symptoms known as gingivitis may be seen. If left untreated, the disease can progress to a more serious condition called periodontitis. This increases the risk of tooth loss and can damage bone structure. Early diagnosis and treatment of gum disease is crucial to maintaining gum health and preventing tooth loss. Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings play a critical role in reducing these risks.

What is orthognathic surgery and when is it necessary?

Orthognathic surgery is a surgical intervention performed to correct jaw bones. This procedure is used to correct jaw deformities, inconsistencies or jaw misalignments. Structural disorders of the jaw bone may occur due to congenital problems, traumas or developmental abnormalities. Orthognathic surgery provides both aesthetic and functional improvements. Treatment is usually planned together with orthodontic treatment and the teeth are aligned correctly using braces before and after surgery. This surgical intervention improves chewing, speaking and breathing functions and increases the overall quality of life.

How can children overcome their fear of the dentist?

Children should have a positive experience with the dentist to overcome their fear of the dentist. This is possible if the dentist adopts a child-friendly approach, explains the procedures calmly and clearly, and provides an environment that will help the child relax. In addition, regular dental check-ups should be started at an early age so that children can get used to the dentist. Dentist visits can be made fun with games and stories. Parents can also have a calm and positive attitude, which will help children feel confident about their visits to the dentist. The dentist can make visits more enjoyable with rewards and incentives that will attract children's attention.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Professional teeth whitening procedures are safe and carry minimal risks when performed under the supervision of a dentist. Your dentist will assess your teeth and gum health before the whitening procedure and determine the most appropriate method. The products and techniques used during the teeth whitening procedure are formulated to not damage tooth enamel. Home whitening products are generally safe when used correctly, but excessive use can damage tooth enamel and cause sensitivity. Therefore, you should always consult your dentist before whitening.

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